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HomeNetflix NewsMea Culpa Netflix: Release date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Everything We know so...

Mea Culpa Netflix: Release date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Everything We know so far

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A criminal defense attorney tackles the case of a captivating artist accused of murdering his girlfriend. However, as passion ignites, things escalate to a point of heat and danger. Here is everything we know about the movie so far.

  • What’s the release date of Mea Culpa Netflix movie?
  • Who is behind Netflix’s Mea Culpa movie?
  • Filming locations?
  • About Netflix’s Mea Culpa movie?
  • Who’s in the cast of Mea Culpa Netflix movie?
  • Where can I watch the Mea Culpa trailer?
Mea Culpa Netflix, New On Netflix, What's New Netflix, netflix coming soon

What’s the release date of Mea Culpa Netflix movie?

The movie is set to premiere on Netflix on February 23, 2024.

Who is behind Netflix’s (New on Netflix) Mea Culpa movie?

Tyler Perry’s cinematic universe is on the rise, as he unveils his latest project, “Mea Culpa,” a compelling thriller showcasing the talents of Kelly Rowland, who not only stars in the film but also serves as a producer. Tyler Perry Studios takes the lead in the production of this steamy and intriguing addition to his extensive body of work.

About Netflix’s Mea Culpa movie?

In this crime thriller, concealed truths permeate the narrative. Mea Harper, a criminal defense attorney, and her husband Kal confront challenges in their marriage and finances. The arrival of artist Zyair Malloy’s murder case not only presents Mea with a chance to secure her family’s well-being but also an opportunity to advance to a partnership at her firm. However, as Mea delves into her client’s elusive and alluring demeanor in pursuit of the complete truth, the revelations may go beyond the confines of her legal case, potentially unraveling aspects beyond the courtroom.

Mea Culpa Netflix, New On Netflix, What's New Netflix, netflix coming soon

Who’s in the cast of Mea Culpa Netflix 2024 movie?

Key Cast members are:

Kelly Rowland as MEA HARPER

Mea, a resolute and determined criminal defense attorney, faces a familial conflict when she accepts the murder case of artist Zyair Malloy. This decision strains relations with her brother-in-law Ray, the assistant district attorney, who is uneasy about Mea being on the opposing side. Despite the tension, Mea remains dedicated to Zyair’s case, asserting her belief in being the most qualified attorney for the job. However, her mistrust of Zyair’s intentions compels her to rely on her instincts to uncover the genuine truth.

Trevante Rhodes as ZYAIR MALLOY

Zyair, a mysterious artist residing in his Chicago loft, faces accusations of murdering his girlfriend, thrusting Mea into the role of his defender. Intrigued and drawn to his charisma, Mea finds herself navigating an alluring yet perplexing connection with her client. Despite damning evidence and descriptions of Zyair as a womanizer and deceiver, he vehemently asserts his innocence. Acknowledging unconventional interests, Zyair maintains that while he may have wild sexual inclinations, he adamantly denies causing harm to anyone. The question lingers – is there more to Zyair’s story than meets the eye?

Sean Sagar as KAL

Kal, Mea’s husband, grapples with the aftermath of losing his job, striving to regain stability. His decision to conceal this change in circumstances from his brother Ray and mother Azalia adds strain to their marriage, creating an undercurrent of tension within the family.

Nick Sagar as RAY

Ray, Mea’s brother-in-law and the Assistant District Attorney prosecuting Zyair’s case, aims to leverage the artist as a symbol for his upcoming tough-on-crime mayoral campaign. However, in his pursuit of this agenda, Ray becomes entangled in a web of deceit, weaving his own set of lies. Notably, Nick and Sean Sagar, brothers in real life, reunite for the first time in over a decade, marking a significant collaboration in their careers.

Ron Reaco Lee as JIMMY

Jimmy, the private investigator enlisted by Mea to unravel the loose ends in Zyair’s case, uncovers revelations that prove to be a far more startling surprise than either of them anticipated.

Shannon Thornton as CHARLISE

Charlise, Ray’s wife and Mea’s sister-in-law, share a unique and close bond, finding support in each other amid the complexities of their dysfunctional family dynamic.

Kerry O’Malley as AZALIA

Azalia, the mother of Ray and Kal, embodies the archetype of a classic “boy mom,” for better or worse, with a penchant for meddling in her sons’ lives. Not particularly enamored with either of her sons’ spouses, she often believes she knows what’s best for them, occasionally crossing boundaries with inappropriate involvement in their lives.

Where can I watch the Mea Culpa trailer?

You can watch the trailer on Netflix’s YouTube channel or
by clicking on the link given below .




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