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HomeNetflix NewsThe Parades Netflix: Release, Cast, Plot, Everything one should know

The Parades Netflix: Release, Cast, Plot, Everything one should know

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Prepare for an emotional journey as the Japanese tearjerker, “The Parades,” arrives on Netflix in February 2024. We’re here to share all the details about the plot, cast, and when it will be available on Netflix.

Who is behind The Parades Netflix movie on Netflix 2024 ?

The Parades” is a new Japanese drama movie created for Netflix. It’s directed and written by Michihito Fujii, bringing an upcoming story to the streaming platform.

What is the film runtime?

The film has a runtime of 132 minutes or 2 hours and 14 minutes.

What is the release date for The Parades on Netflix Now?

The Parades is scheduled for release on February 29th, 2024 on Netflix. While eagerly anticipated, a trailer for the series is yet to be released by Netflix.

What is the plot of The Parades Netflix best movie in English?

In the aftermath of a catastrophic event, a grieving mother embarks on a quest to find her missing son, only to discover that she has passed away and is now trapped in a realm of restless spirits.

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Who are the cast members of The Parades New On Netflix movie?

List of full cast members is below:

  • Kentaro Sakaguchi
    The Japanese actor took on a prominent role in the intense Japanese drama “Hell Dogs” and contributed his voice to the animated feature “Dragon Quest: Your Story.”
  • Ryusei Yokohoma
    The actor has taken on significant roles in three Netflix Originals: “Creators File: Gold,” “The Journalist,” and “The Village.”
  • Masami Nagasawa
    The actress has taken on roles in two Netflix Originals, namely “Mother” and “Bleach.” Additionally, you can catch her in two other films, “Kingdom” and “Kingdom 3,” both available on Netflix.
  • Nana Mori
    Catch the actress on Netflix in the film “Blue, Painful, Fragile” and the series “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House.”
  • Yuina Kuroshima
    The actress has delivered compelling performances in three Netflix Originals, encompassing both live-action Full Metal Alchemist movies and the horror series “Ju-On: Origins.”
  • Hiroshi Tachi
    The actor is part of the cast in both of Netflix’s Full Metal Alchemist films and the crime drama “A Family.”
  • Yukiya Kitamura
    Adding to the crossover, Yukiya Kitamura has taken on roles in both “A Family” and “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House,” further intertwining the cast’s connections.
  • Denden
    The actor is featured in four Netflix Originals, which include “The Days,” “The Forest of Love,” along with its limited series “The Forest of Love: Deep Cut,” and “The Journalist.”
  • Tetsushi Tanaka
    The actor has taken prominent roles in two Netflix originals, “Ride or Die” and “The Journalist.” Additionally, he showcased.
  • Lily Franky
    Lily Franky stands out in the cast, featuring in multiple Netflix Originals such as “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House,” “Million Yen Women,” “The Naked Director,” “He’s Expecting,” and “Call Me Chihiro.”

The Parades | Official Trailer | Netflix

Other Cast members are:

  • Hana Kino
  • Daiken Okudaira
  • Shinobu Terajima
  • Ayumu Nakajima
  • Takuya Wakabayashi
  • Mai Fukagawa

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