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HomeNetflix NewsThe Signal: Netflix release date, Cast, Plot, Everything we know so far

The Signal: Netflix release date, Cast, Plot, Everything we know so far

The Signal

The Signal,” working under the tentative title “Hello,” is a gripping and emotionally charged mystery-drama crafted by Florian David Fitz, who not only penned the script but also takes on a starring role in the production.

Here is everything we know about the series so far

Total episodes: 4
Genres: Sci-Fi, Drama, Thriller.
Another name: Das Signal.

When is The Signal series coming to Netflix?

The series is going to release on Netflix on March 7, 2024.

Who is behind Netflix’s The Signal series ?

The Signal series is directed by Sebastian Hilger and Philipp Leinemann. The producers are Christian Springer, Amir Hamz, Fahri Yardim, Johannes Jancke.
Jan Prahl is the director of photography.Eva Maria Stiebler is the production designer. Production company involved is Bon Voyage Films GmbH.

About Netflix’s The Signal mini series?

Paula returns to Earth after spending months in orbit, anticipating a quick flight across the pond to reunite with her family. However, her arrival becomes an inexplicable mystery when Sven and their daughter Charlie, eagerly awaiting her at arrivals, are left in despair as if the plane vanished into thin air.

Struggling to shield Charlie from the devastating news, Sven clings to any glimmer of hope. A lifeline emerges in the form of a riddle left by Paula, a trail of breadcrumbs that Sven eagerly follows. Yet, with each step, the riddle deepens, and Sven’s life unravels further. The threat looms larger not just for him and Charlie but for the entire planet, tied to an extraordinary discovery Paula made in the depths of space while stationed on the ISS.

The signal

Who are the Cast members of The Signal Netflix series?

Top Cast
  • Florian David Fitz plays Sven(Paula’s husband).
  • Peri Baumeister plays Paula.
  • Yuna Bennett plays Charlie(Paula’s daughter).
  • Katharina Schüttler plays Nora.
  • Hadi Khanjanpour plays Hadi Hiraj.
  • Sheeba Chaddha plays Benisha Mudhi.
  • Katharina Thalbach plays Die Moonwatcherin.
  • Meret Becker plays Friederike.
  • Nilam Farooq plays Mira.
  • Uwe Preuss plays Rainer.
  • Janina Elkin plays Sonja.
  • Patrick Christopher Ehler plays Journalist.
  • Khalil Zghayou plays Mudhi’s Mercenary.

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